Whether you are a Trader, Staff member/helper of a Trader, a customer of a trader displaying your car at the event, a photographer/videographer or Horsepower Crew Volunteer, you are a massive part of our community!
In saying that, we need to keep you safe! In order to have every person available for contact tracing, we need to work together to have your details ready to hand over to SA Health in case of an emergency.IMPORTANT – SAMSUNG DEVICE USERS!
Click the Three buttons in the top right hand corner BEFORE completing this form, this will give you an option to “Open using Google Chrome/Samsung Internet”, this will re-open this page there, so you can attach pictures and submit successfully! Otherwise please use a friends iPhone, a Laptop or PC.
Please message our Facebook Page (Quickest Response) or use the Contact Us section of this website for help!
Otherwise, Simply complete your details below!